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Friday, December 3, 2010

IEC Export Code

The IEC Code (Import Export Code Number) is a unique 10 digit code essentially needed by the exporter and importer for the purpose of import and export in India. No exporter or importer is permitted to carry out any type of trade activity without this IEC Code Number. Compulsory Documents for the application for obtaining the IEC Code, sent to the Joint Director General- Foreign Trade include the following:

  1. Application in Duplicate (Aayaat Niryaat Form).
  2. Copy of Tax ID Allotment. This document has to be produced in original at the time of submission of the application form.
  3. Two photo's of the Director preferring the application certified by the Banker's along with Name and Designation of the Banker verifying the photograph and the official stamp of the bank, should be affixed on to the application form.
  4. Bank's Certificate regarding satisfactory account maintenance. It should include the Signatures, Name, and Designation of the Banker issuing the certificate, together with the official stamp of the bank.
  5. Fee of INR 1000.
  6. Attested copies of the Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association of the Company in Duplicate.
  7. Authority Letter with photograph and the signatures of the person authorized to submit the application, which is to be attested by the director authorized by the company to file the application for IEC Code No.
  8. Certified true copy of a board resolution authorizing the referred person to sign the application on behalf of the company, and the signatures of the person authorized should also be there on the Board resolution, along with the signatures of the person certifying the board resolution.
  9. List of Directors along with a copy of passport.
  10. One Self Addressed Envelope.
  11. Address Proof of the registered office of the company, and in case the company has a number of units then address proof of all the units.

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